Now showing items 70-73 of 73

    • Technology-intensive Trade and Gender Inequality-Emerging Country Perspective 

      Fatema, Dr. Farha (Faculty of Business Studies, BUFT, 2021-08-01)
      Purpose: This study examines how technology intensity in international trade affects gender inequality in labor force participation and wage in emerging economies. Methodology: The study decomposes the export and import ...
    • Understanding Customer Gratification Regarding ‘Aarong’ in Dhaka City 

      Tasnim, Jarin (Faculty of Business Studies, BUFT, 2020-08-01)
      Purpose: The inevitable important of satisfied customer for successful organization is significant. It infers Local Enterprise like Aarong to initiate the analysis of their customer satisfaction characteristics. The study ...
    • Users’ Perception of Herbal Medicine in Bangladesh 

      Mamun, Muhammad Ziaulhaq (Faculty of Business Studies, BUFT, 2022-08-01)
      Purpose: The research studied the users‟ perception regarding different aspects of herbal medicine in Bangladesh. It provides the popularity, availability and affectivity of herbal medicine that would benefit both the ...
    • Women’s Impulsive Buying Behaviour towards Clothing: In-store Shopping Context 

      Moury, Zannatul Ferdous (Faculty of Business Studies, BUFT, 2023-09-01)
      Purpose: This study attempts to examine the factors influencing women’s impulsive buying behaviour towards clothing at the context of in-store shopping. Methodology: This study is quantitative in nature. Adopting online ...